Friday 5 November 2010

220 out of 256

Ok, I've just found that I finished 220th place in October's 11 second club competition; however, there were far more people entering this month and at least I got I higher star rating average (2.96 stars in October, compared to 2.86 stars in June).

I got more positive feedback than last time, but the main criticism was that my animating was lacking arcs and that I should have referred to a video of myself acting it out. I did use a mirror a to act out and reference my poses, but it may have made more sense to record a video.

Anyway, I probably won't be re-entering the 11 second club for a while, as I need to focus on my uni projects, which you can follow on the two blogs that I posted up in the "Spin-off blogs" post.

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