Thursday, 9 December 2010

UV Mapping of rock

I started off the UV mapping by producing some textures for the rocks.  I began by getting an image of a rock off the internet and then cropping it so I just got this basic texture
In Maya, I applied Spherical Mapping, seen as the rock was roughly a round shape.  I then created a PSD network in the UV Texture editor and opened this in Photoshop.  I then copied the rock texture that I had obtained from the internet and pasted this into the PSD Network in tiles.  I reversed some of the tiles to make it look more like a continuous pattern.
When I had finished producing this texture in Photoshop, I went back into Maya and clicked the Update PSD Network button in the UV Texture editor and it applied these changes to the UV Map.
I then scaled it so the texture would fit around the whole rock.  Here is how the rock now looks.
I also made a brown one using this texture.
I applied the texture to another rock model using the exact same method and here is the outcome.
These textures have a very different feel to the cell shaded look that we set out to achieve, but we feel that this may give a more open and less saturated feeling to our project.

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